jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Task 2


1) The vidieo talk about the fisical cliff that U.S., making that this state stop producing technology and science to reduce the debet o U.S. will have a economic problem.

2)The main concern conveyed in this video is that all the cuts mensioned on the video . will reduce jobs and this would affect the country and many people lose her jobs.

3)if the goverment stops funding science and technology will make a problem for the most of the people of U.S. , because people is depending of science and technology, do the life of people more easy. And other problem is that other country depends of the product of U.S.

4) I am disagree with the video because I depend of the science and technology because  used at all the time on the day search information , when I am sick  I need science to create a remedy to cure the disease.As I said before technology and science do the life of people better.(51)

5)In my opinion no, because goverment dosen t provide for research and science. One example is that Chile not a developed country  like U.S. and dosent have good scientist.


jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Science and technology
science is ongoing:

Why science is continually refining and expanding?

                            What science is continually refining and expanding?Science is ongoing because in the world every day is most necessary for the life of people and scientist are creating new thing  that people can use in the future to do the life of people most easy.

From my view point I said that science is continually refining and expading.Every day scientist are creating new thing that people can use to do the life more easy.First example the car is a technology  that do the life of people more easy to transport to a place.Second example can be the celphone, in the past people can t comunicated with his friends in the moment that one needs but now you can and do the life of people better.And the last example is the internet that can be use to look up information that one needs and have at the same moment, in the past people went to library for look up the information but now you with one click you have all the information.

To conclude I will said that science is ongoing, I reply my question "Why science is continually refining and expanding?", becase is useful do the life of people more easy and I can support this with the arguments that mention previously.