jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Task 2


1) The vidieo talk about the fisical cliff that U.S., making that this state stop producing technology and science to reduce the debet o U.S. will have a economic problem.

2)The main concern conveyed in this video is that all the cuts mensioned on the video . will reduce jobs and this would affect the country and many people lose her jobs.

3)if the goverment stops funding science and technology will make a problem for the most of the people of U.S. , because people is depending of science and technology, do the life of people more easy. And other problem is that other country depends of the product of U.S.

4) I am disagree with the video because I depend of the science and technology because  used at all the time on the day search information , when I am sick  I need science to create a remedy to cure the disease.As I said before technology and science do the life of people better.(51)

5)In my opinion no, because goverment dosen t provide for research and science. One example is that Chile not a developed country  like U.S. and dosent have good scientist.


1 comentario:

  1. Mr Romani, you have to read this task again and find and correct spelling mistakess.
    Add an interesting picture and the number of words you used here.
    Miss Andrea
