jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013


Project NATURA

Diego Romaní

Thur, May 2, 2013

                                   Con Con, 29 of april. The city of Con con is looking for one solutions for the proble, of the problem of the contamination of the air.  The Enap company, that is located in Con con is the responsible of the contaminating the air, all the people of Con con, did a marching to get that the city hall of Con con approves the project of "NATURA".
                                  The project " NATURA"  is about the Enap company which is contaminating the airof Con con and with this project the Enap company compelled to plant a sector of his area with pines  to balance the contamination of the air. If this project the city hall approve the air of Con con would be the best things that pass in Con con in a lot of year, since was founded.Marcos Wolff the director of the Enap company said."Today Con con would have a better air to breathe people that live here, us have a social responsibility, not any social responsibility a responsibility to the community, the peoplethat live here, people tha work hard andthey want that his city improve and with this project NATURA this will be possible. 
                             This people with effort and commitment managed his objective this city today have a better air, if your city have a problem like this you can do something this is a problem that many city have but you can do the change if you promise to comply your objective.

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